Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Morning After

The city was decidedly quiet this morning as I struck out for my coffee. There were many curb side cabs loading luggage for folks, a sure sign of the mass departure this day will be for many. Various neighborhood regulars came in and out of the coffee shop I was in, each of them recounting for the barista where they were yesterday, and which balls and parties they attended last night. It sort of feels like New Year's Day, with business and life in general slowed to a crawl, and plenty of folks seemingly sleeping in for the first time in days. All except yours truly, that is. I feel like sleeping is time wasted when there's still so much more to take in.

We're letting the traffic out of town thin out before we drive away. We're planning a Thursday departure, with a likely stop somewhere halfway to sleep. I'll still update today, as plenty seems to be happening.

Thanks, everyone, for reading and responding with so many great comments. I'm off to enjoy some waffles, and to discuss plans for the day.

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